Maia is six months old now! It feels like it’s been both forever yet also like it was just yesterday that I felt held her warm little body against mine for the first time.
Maia, you are six months old now! You can sit up all by yourself and are almost about to crawl. You are still such a happy baby. The smiles you give us when you see us are priceless. You are sleeping through the night (for now) and in the mornings you like to wake up and just play by yourself before mom or dad come get you. You get fussy mainly when you’re tired (just like mama). We fed you solid food for the first time this week! Some kombucha squash which you were indifferent about and then some broccoli which you seemed to really like. You really are like a real life baby now, not just a newborn anymore. We love playing with you everyday and being your mom is still the best job I’ve ever had. You make it easy for me.
Maia, we can’t wait to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas with you this year and take you on your first real family vacation!
What I want you to know now and always: There is nothing you can do or say that would make you lose my love for you and there is nothing you need to do or prove or strive for or to be to gain or receive my love. My love for you is constant, always. If I can leave you with anything it is the knowing that your self-worth is not dependent on any external circumstance or any other person. All you need is always right there in that quiet and still place within you already. You are loved, you ARE love, and you have nothing to prove. With that, have the courage to go out and live your truth and share your beautiful light with the world! We love you!